Softening the Blow: U.S. State-Level Banking Deregulation and Sectoral Reallocation after the China Trade Shock
Professor of International
Trade and Finance, University of Zurich
state-level banking deregulation during the 1980’s mitigated the impact of the
China trade shock (CTS) on local economies (states and commuting zones) a decade
later, in the 1990s. Local economies, where local banking markets opened
up earlier, were also effectively financially more integrated by the 1990’s and
saw smaller declines in house prices, wages, and income following the CTS. We
explain this pattern in a theoretical model that emphasizes the stabilizing
effect of financial integration on demand for housing and on housing prices:
faced with an adverse shock to their region’s terms-of-trade (i.e. the CTS),
households in more open states can more easily access credit to smooth
consumption. This stabilizes consumer demand for housing, keeps the relative
price of housing up, stabilizes wages in the non-tradable sector and thus
facilitates the sectoral reallocation of labor away from import-exposed
manufacturing towards the housing sector. This in turn stabilizes income and
consumption. We corroborate these predictions of our model in state- and
commuting zone level data. Then, using granular bank-county-level data, we show
that household consumption smoothing in response to the CTS was easier in
financially open areas, because geographically diversified banks were more
elastic in their lending response to household’s increased demand for credit.
Our findings highlight the importance of household access to finance in the
adjustment to asymmetric terms-of-trade shocks in monetary unions.