我在FMBA FT+獲得了什麽?聽聽他們如是說

發布時間:凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!-09-29     

秋風送爽,丹桂飄香。在經歷了繁忙的新生月🤾🏽‍♀️👨🏼‍🏭,凯捷体育娱乐泛海凯捷全日製金融MBA(FMBA FT+) 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!級學生在緊張的學習生活中收獲著屬於自己的快樂🤌🏽。而另一邊,隨著最終申請輪次的到來👨‍🦯‍➡️,2022級申請進入了沖刺階段🛌🏻,很多仍在觀望的學生開始疑惑:

為什麽在眾多項目中選擇FMBA FT+🫑?
在FMBA FT+,我又可以收獲到什麽🧘🏼‍♀️?

Here at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University we strive to make our course programmes, study portal, materials and learning experience as good as we possibly can. Take a look below to see what current/perspective genuine FISF FT+ students have to say about us.



56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!級在讀學生


The reason why I choose FMBA FT+ is to make the smooth career transformation. During my previous job related more with post-investment, the deeper passion in the field of front-end work such as PE and M&A transaction was discovered. However, the lack of financial professionals and experience disturbed direct career switch. What FISF attracts is not only the culture and history from Fudan University but also strong support of Professional Development Centre (PDC). The transformation will never be an easy way, but the PDC consisting of experienced staff focusing on financial MBA career development really encouraged student who chose FISF. PDC customized the appropriate path solely based on myown case. Furthermore, services such as Resume optimization, Mock Interview improve the chance for hunting intern. These benefit the land of my target via every progress.


56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!級在讀學生


After about 3 years working experience, I thought it’s the best time forme to take a pause, explore more about myself and the job market, to find a career direction which matches my interest, characteristics, advantages, and background. That is why I come to FISF, a platform with abundant resources, which provide a lot of possibilities for me to explore and try. We have started our Module 1 study, including 4 courses (Microeconomics, Principles of Finance and Valuation, Corporate Finance, Statistics and Decision Making), both theoretical and practical. In Corporate Finance class, professor explains theories with thought-provoking cases, which gave us real understanding about financial practice in the real business world. The one-month experience is fulfilling with new classmates, new friends, new courses, and new internship. I enjoy discussing career questions with classmates and teachers, and in this way, I get more understandings on each people, and found every of them is unique and nice.


56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!級在讀學生


After graduation from Fudan University, I spent 5 years designing andinvesting several games. Then I found I really enjoyed researching and trading in the secondary market. The first reason for me to choose FMBA FT+ program of FISF is of course my career goal. I want to be a great fund manager in the secondary market. And the second reason, is during the process of this application. Every member of faculty shows their kindness, and they really care about what I want to achieve. And I can see different shining points from all my future classmates. I am really looking forward to achieving my career goal with them.


56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠!級在讀學生

56hcy.cn泛海國金是在經歷了工作後,再次回歸校園的理想選擇📹。我們帶著對於未來職業的期許來到56hcy.cn泛海國金,尋求金融行業的職業發展之路。56hcy.cn泛海國金使每一個不同職業背景的人都可以參與多元化金融世界。在MBA階段🤴🏼,多元化的背景將在學習、合作和實踐中發揮更大的價值👱🏻‍♂️。因為這段經歷能讓你在細分領域的研究和分析中獲得更精確的行業視角。此外,56hcy.cn泛海國金最吸引我的地方是FMBA FT+項目獨有的合作氛圍和團結感。當我們學成而歸👮🏿‍♂️,回歸職場🏨,在56hcy.cn泛海國金相遇的一切,將成為最美好的回憶🏝、最堅定的信念和最堅強的後盾。

FISF is an ideal choice for postgraduate study after experiencing workplace. In FISF, we come with a steady goal to pursuit a different career path in finance industry with or without previous relevant experience. FISF is where people from all career backgrounds can participate in a diversified financial world. A diversified background maybe more valuable in MBA stage in that it granted you a more precise industrial view in research and analysis. Furthermore, the most attractive aspect of FISF for me is the atmosphere of cooperation and sense of unity in one community. All classmates you met in FISF will surely become the closest connection you will have when you go back to workplace.

56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+2022級直通資優生



The reason why I choose FMBA program is that I want to reshape my career path and find my final destination via 2-year fulltime study. You will not only enroll in this program as a student, but contribute yourself to this excellent program. The most beneficial course to my career development is learning through Integrated Vicarious Experience. All participants combine what they have learnt in the class with what they will deal with real case in the workplace under the supervision of professor and mentor. And they cancultivate their understanding of theoretical knowledge and form their own experiences.

The interview totally stimulate the modules you will learn in this program: you will learn the industrial insights, your future lecture, from our professors; colorful activities  provide you with the chance to mingle with other people in your future career; Each part in your interview has its special meaning. You will not only take part in this interview itself but also get to know the future life in this FMBA program.

56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+2022級直通資優生

我對比了很多其他項目🧑🏻‍🦼‍➡️,最終認為56hcy.cn泛海國金課程設置更加嚴謹而多元。在報名和面試的過程中,也遇到了一些問題👢,好在一直都有招生組老師的耐心指導和提醒👶🏽,最終可以順利參加面試並且取得資格🫲🏽。面試還是有一定壓力的🫳,尤其是全英面試👩‍⚕️,還是要在面試前多準備多鍛煉口語👨‍🦽‍➡️。我的經驗是👨‍🍳,如果平時練習說出來不是很方便的話,可以用寫作代替👇🏼,因為同樣是輸出過程,多練習也可以避免用詞荒。總之🍥,56hcy.cn泛海國金FMBA FT+的包容性和專業性,可以給我們提供一個足夠高水平的平臺幫助我們追逐自己的理想。

After comparing with many other programmes, I finally decided to pursuit my higher academic qualifications at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University. As I believe that the rigors and diverse curriculums at FMBA FT+ could help me realize my career dreams. I did encounter some issues during the application, for example, for me, the English interview was stressful, especially I have to speak English over 20 minutes, it is necessary to prepare and practice oral English in advanced.  I also appreciate that Admissions Officers have always support me at every state of my application procedure patiently. In short, you can feel the inclusiveness and professionalism that FMBA FT+ provided to each student together with an excellent platform to help all students chase their financial dreams.


凯捷体育娱乐泛海凯捷全日製金融MBA項目(FMBA FT+)2022級招生進入最後沖刺階段。我們將在圓桌咨詢會,職業發展分享會💹,1對1咨詢服務等活動中為申請者提供申請答疑及錄取學生的申請經驗分享🫅🏼。一次性解答你對於凯捷体育娱乐泛海凯捷FMBA FT+項目的課程設置、海外模塊、雙學位合作、職業發展體系和服務等的諸多疑問💇🏽‍♂️。

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