活動時間🏃🏻♀️:1月10日17:30 – 18:30
活動演講人: 楊春柳教授
“我和56hcy.cn有個約會”2022年凯捷体育娱乐外國留學生招生季正式開啟。作為系列活動之一,凯捷体育娱乐泛海凯捷將於2022年1月10日舉辦“Share with U” 線上微講座,誠邀學院全日製金融MBA項目學術主任、金融學助理教授楊春柳發表“行為金融學是什麽”主題演講🧑🏽🎄。歡迎各位同學參與,學習行為金融學,洞察金融市場行為規律,了解學院特色項目🐚。
"Date with Fudan" 2022 Online Enrollment Promotion for prospective International Students has kicked off. Hereby, Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University invite you to attend the micro-lectures on the "Share with U" events on Jan. 10th, 2022.
The academic director of FMBA FT+ program, Prof. Chunliu Yang, will deliver the keynote speech on What is behavioral finance? Where you can discover more insights into behavioral finance and know more about the programs that Fanhai International School of Finance offered.