Qingjuan Li

學歷信息:Ph.D. in Economics

研究方向:Industrial Policy, Government strategy



Qingjuan Li is currently the director of the Think Tank Center at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University.

After achieving the Ph.D. of Economics, she graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Later, she did the postdoctoral research at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She was once the visiting scholar at Oxford University and Columbia University. Politically, she was the deputy to the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress as well as the committee member of the 14th and 15th Central Economic Commission for Democratic Progression.

The works she has published include Chinese Industrial Development Handbook (Published in April, 2019, Author House), The Global City: The Service Economy and Internationalization—Research on the service functions of London, New York and Shanghai (Co-authored with Dr.Lan Lan, published in 2017, Tongji University Press), A Foreign Scholar’s Record from Oxford and Columbia Universities (Published in 2014, Shanghai People’s Press, English version has been published in London), Industrialization and Urbanization (Published in 2003, Fudan University Press, granted by PH.D. Award Program for Excellent Doctoral Thesis at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, recorded as an Excellent doctoral thesis by Tsinghua University Electronic Library), The Research of Industrial Integration in the Yangtze River Delta(Excellent post-doctoral thesis, Published in 2007, Economic Science Press). Many papers of her have been published on “XINHUA NET”, “ECONOMIC DAILY”, “JIEFANG DAILY” and some other medias.

She was granted with the “Shanghai Development Dynamics Index in the New Era ” by Think Tank Project Fund, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Also, in the field of Shanghai Industrial Policy Research and Strategy of Shanghai International Trade Center, she was honored with Shanghai Municipal Government Decision-making Consultation Award as well as the Democratic Progressive Committee Research and Consultation Award for several times.

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