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100% Summer Internship Rate! The First EMF Students Perform Par Excellence

Release time:2020-08-27    

As of June 15, 2020, the summer internship rate of the Elite Master of Finance (EMF) 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! Chinese mainland students reached 100%!

How could a young college achieve such impressive results?

With the dark clouds of the 2020 pandemic still hanging heavily, how could our first students still weather the storm and achieve the astonishing 100% success rate?

What kind of magic spell has the Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) cast to attract and cultivate student talent with such incredible potential?

Are you ready because in today’s post we will reveal the secret of FISF superpowers!

Fudan University FISF Elite Master of Finance (EMF) Program, bringing together young talented innovative thinkers from home and abroad, was officially launched in 2017. The unique combined program pioneered the national integration of undergraduate and graduate studies, that is, taking graduate-level courses while being enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree program. For FISF Elite Master students, professional development and career boost start in their senior year. Each and every EMF student has the invaluable opportunity to master academic knowledge by applying it in real life settings, thus, enjoying the perfect balance between theoretical expertise and practical business skills. Under the skillful guidance of professors and industry tutors, students Promising young professionals, who already won the unanimous industry recognition, the EMF 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! students handed in their first gratifying internship score reports. Congratulations!

In September 2019, both the EMF students at FISF in Shanghai and the Columbia University dual-degree students in New York rolled up their sleeves and began applying for summer internships. Hard work pays off− soon after summer internship offers poured in by the hundreds. The whole application process was characterized by joint efforts as each student was fully supported by a Fudan Fanhai teacher: after the Spring Festivals online tutoring and video interviews were conducted. Each candidates-instructor team ran like a well-oiled machine to deliver the best results, hold on to FISF promise, and expand its prospects.

Summer internship offers were extended by widely-known institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and the USA. The notable list of employees included many top international investment banks (such as, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank, UBS, etc.); leading global and Chinese internet companies (e.g., Google, Uber, Meituan Dianping, ByteDance, and many others); established domestic investment banking and asset management firms (including, CICC, CITIC Securities, CITIC Construction Investment, Guotai Junan Securities, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, Orient Securities, China Industrial Securities, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities, etc.); booming PE/VC (such as, CDH Investments, Foresight Fund Management, Yunfeng Capital,  First Manhattan First Beijing, Welkin, Perseverance Asset Management, Loyal Valley Capital, etc.); recognized public asset management companies (including, China Asset Management, Bosera Asset Management, GF Fund Management, China International Fund Management, Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management, CITIC Asset Management, Taikang Asset Management, and others). After receiving their satisfactory internship offers, the EMF students soon dove in the financial industry to discover all its aspects, give their intellectual curiosity full play, and contribute to the country’s future financial and economic development.

Summer Internship Employers of 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! EMF Students (Part)

EMF Program - delve into the Art of finance, comprehend the beauty of Humanities

It is the extensive broad-spectrum training by Fudan Fanhai that has laid the strong foundations for success of the EMF 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! summer interns. FISF attaches great importance not only to mastering theoretical management knowledge, but also to solving real financial problems. Our innovative LIVE Learning Projects (Learning through Integrated Vicarious Experience) after the end of each module not only help students to consolidate what they have learned, but also provide them with the chance to apply it to real business cases. This valuable practice greatly improves their practical skills and critical thinking abilities. As Liu Chenghao, an EMF 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! student pursuing an undergraduate degree in physics, shared: “FISF offers 16 core courses and practical courses, which fully cover basic required financial knowledge and theoretical foundations. So, even if your undergraduate background is far away from finance, do not worry! You are fully covered!”

EMF students participating in LIVE Learning Presentation

Besides cultivating an atmosphere of academic excellence and hands-on learning, Fudan Fanhai presents each student with the opportunity to be part of a truly global experience by ensuring: fully English-taught program, instructors with rich overseas background, dual degrees (including a program with Columbia University), exchange modules spent abroad, etc.

EMF Students Participating in Overseas Modules

In C.A.R.E (Culture, Arts, Responsibilities, Ethics) Program, students, in their spare time beyond intense study and internship application, can discover and experience the beauty of culture and the peak of art and enhance their sense of responsibility and morality.

Professor Sharing His Story Art Investment in C.A.R.E Class

In addition to the rigorous studies and vast internship opportunities, the C.A.R.E. (Culture, Arts, Responsibilities, Ethics) Program enables students to explore the beauty of culture and art, fosters an ethical culture, and nurtures sense of responsibility.

Career Development Center −  a catalyst for professional development

Right after accepting the EMF admission offer, every student receives specialist customized career guidance by FISF dedicated team of career experts. No matter what− a study group project led by senior faculty member; industrial visits, guest speakers and company presentations; career development training camps, or sessions with professional mentors with over 20 years of practice− each activity organized by the Career Development Center is a great opportunity to gain industry insights and expand networks.

Whether a financial “novice” or an “adept”, after nearly 3 years of professional development training, the Career Development Center helps students develop their strengths, discover their unique characteristics, tap into their true potential, and achieve their long-term career goals. No wonder why some Fanhai students described the Career Development Center as an “enormous stimulus for advancement”.

FISF career support service is not one-size-fits-all! On the contrary, it is tailor-made, attentive and unique… as every student. For this reason, Fanhai graduates happily share that the one-on-one couching provides “authentic care, real support, and genuine teacher-student appreciation”, which guides them to their right career path. The crucial significance of this exclusive individualized counseling, through which even the hardest career development questions their answers in the most direct and efficient way, was acknowledge by virtually all students, who discussed their experience in the article “Workplace− Summer Internship”.

Even the global COVID-19 crisis could not stop FISF: since the pandemic began various online activities have been in full swing. The “video interview” counseling, which started in February, launched online “special form” career development services. Up till now, the Career Development Center has organized numerous online learning group activities and has held several virtual “workplace “sharing sessions. These efforts uplifted everyone involved, especially in these challenging times. Soon, the new edition of the professional development training camp is about to begin. Not surprisingly, the EMF 2022 students, inspired and motivated by the outstanding results of the EMF 凯捷体育娱乐 -(限时活动)即刻加入,享受平台优惠! batch, should be up to par.

EMF Students Participating in Career Development Training Camp

Fudan University Fanhai International School of Finance EMF aims to cultivate the new generation of financial leaders− outstanding professionals with global vision who would have a lasting, powerful and positive impact on the industry, society, and the world. We firmly believe that each student, who becomes a member of the FISF family, is driven by the spirit of innovation and intellectual curiosity, and the ardent desire to grow and to contribute!

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