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2024 ICC Calling - “Carbon Zero: Leading The Charge”

Release time:2023-12-04    

Inspired by Polestar's commitment to create a truly carbon-neutral car by 2030 and become carbon-neural across our value chain by 2040, this year's International Collidoscope Challenge (ICC) will bring together undergraudate university students from around the world to think about actionable solutions to our climate change challenges to fulfill the Global Carbon Zero Mandate.

"As greenhouse gas emissions hit new highs, temperature records tumble and climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2023 relaesed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on Monday, November 20,2023 titled: “Broken Record – Temperatures Hit New Highs Yet World Fails To  Cut Emissions (Again)” finds that the world is heading for a temperature rise far above the Paris Agreement goals unless countries deliver more than they have promised. The report is the 14th edition in a series that brings together many of the world’s top climate scientists to look at future trends in greenhouse gas emissions and provide potential solutions to the challenge of global warming."*

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Introduction of the 6th ICC Theme

The sixth ICC will follow the green trend and cooperate with Polestar, a global electric performance brand, under the theme "Carbon Zero: Leading The Charge". Polestar initiate the Polestar 0 Project, a moon-shot project to create Polestar's first truly climate-neutral car by 2030, eliminating all supply chain, manufacturing and end-of-life emissions (without using offsetting methods like tree-planting).

University students from around the world will come together to brainstorm in groups to work on innovative ideas focused on the challenge and demo their ideas. All above activities will be carried out under the guidance of professional mentors from relevant fields of expertise.

About ICC

The Elite Master of Finance (EMF) program at Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF), Fudan University has organized the ICC for five consecutive years, providing a platform for university students from around the globe to work together to foster their ideas to better the world. This allows students to discover innovation strategies while cultivating a sense of social responsibility and to define clear missions as the next generation of young responsible leaders.

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Dates and Format

Event Dates:January 20th-21st, 2024

Event Format👫🏻:Online+Offline

All sessions of the ICC will be held in a combination of online and offline forms.


■ Application Dates

November 29, 2023 to December 31, 2023

■ Eligibility

1.Current university students, no limitation on educational background.

2.A good command of English proficiency. (IELTS, CET4, CET6,etc.)

3.Strong interest in innovation and problem solving.

■ Application Process

1.Log in to the application system to register your account.


2.Complete and submit your application by the deadline.

Please apply as individuals. Shortlisted individual participants will be grouped into teams of 4 by EMF program, to work together for subsequent tasks.

**All sessions of the ICC will be conducted in English.

What ICC Will Bring You


International Participants From Top Universities Worldwide

The ICC event attracts thousands of applicants worldwide every year, including students from leading universities such as University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania☘️,University of Chicago, The London School of Economics and Political Science , Cornell University, New York University, National University of Singapore, University College London, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Hong Kong, and National Taiwan University.


Mentorship In Three Stages

To help the participants better understand what innovation is all about, and to help them improve their innovation capabilities, ICC offers expert mentorship in three stages, from understanding the industry, to designing projects in a methodological way, and finally to completing their own solutions driven proposal.

Industry Mentors

In addition to experts from the academia, ICC also invites executives from well-known companies as industry mentors, to bring the industry insights to the students. The executives will also share the company’s business strategies and experiences on their product innovation. This kind of industry mentorship helps to lay the groundwork for students to choose their own direction of innovation.

Innovation And Entrepreneurship Mentors

In order to help students master the key logic of innovation and entrepreneurship in a systematical way, ICC invites entrepreneurs to participate as business mentors, to coach students on their thoughts and practical skills of innovation and entrepreneurship, and help them improve their project proposals within the two days allotted for the competition.

Final Pitch Mentors

For the final pitch, ICC invites professional investors (mostly from PE/VC) from relevant industries as judges to score the teams’ project proposals based on  Innovation, Deliverables and Invest-ability from a professional point of view. This enables students to understand the process for an innovative idea to develop from a theoretical framework to practical applications.


Grand Prizes

1. The ICC champion team, second and third place teams will receive a cash award with RMB 3000, 2000, and 1000 for each team member respectively.

2. The ICC champion team will have the opportunity to an internship in Polestar.

3. Outstanding individual award winners will receive IELTS Test Coupons.

4. All participants will receive a certificate of participation issued by Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF), Fudan University.

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Participants Say

@Chiang Yan Qi

(University of Cambridge)

The ICC was a great experience for me. Learning from leading figures in the Chinese start-up environment allowed me to develop my ideas and gain insights from an entrepreneurial perspective. ICC allowed me to better understand the role of finance in a start-up, thereby paving the way for me to further explore my options in both finance and industry.

@Jerry Mahajan

(Australian National University)

The ICC in 2023 was a great opportunity to learn invaluable business development skills in the field of digital technology. On the first day, speakers from PwC China and Fanhai International School of Finance taught us about the ever present digital transformation in the finance industry and how to pitch a business idea. We then collaborated in groups of four students around the world to develop a unique business idea relating to managing the finances of university students around the globe. We worked hard to produce a high quality pitch for our business idea and presented it to a panel of esteemed judges from Fudan University and PwC. Overall the ICC was a great opportunity to collaborate with my peers all around the globe and I developed many skills in both business development and digital finance.

@Maggy LIAO

(National University of Singapore)

Participating in the ICC was an immersive experience for those who choose to seize the opportunity and make good on the standards they hold themselves and their thinking to. I did, and it was a truly insightful and enjoyable ride. Having been able to go through the thinking and design processes was a learning experience that changed my perspective of how not even a business but an idea borne from the wish to change some part of the world, took shape and progressed.

@Cao Haochen

(Peking University)

It is the very first time that I have ever participated in an innovation contest or hackathon and I felt that I’ve grown a little by learning from my teammates and the lectures arranged by the committee. The topic of this year’s ICC really drew our interest and I did feel the “collision” of thoughts among participants throughout the event. In retrospect, it was indeed a joyful and fruitful experience.

@Dong Run

(Fudan University)

In ICC, I befriended distinguished students from all over the world and gained a glimpse into how digital transformation will open up new possibilities for our financial world. Through this intense experience of working on and finalizing our project within the allotted time, I picked up some new skills that will definitely come in handy in the future. What a great journey!

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To start your journey of innovation!

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*Emissions Gap Report 2023-UNEP

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**If you have any questions about registration, please contact EMF Program:


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