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EMF Cohort Caps Off 2022 With Great SDGs Challenge III Blue Paper

Release time🫦:2022-12-29    

December 29th 2022

Students from the Elite Masters of Finance Program released a bespoke English report on how social enterprises in China are tackling SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and SDG 13 (Climate Action) - two of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, as part of their annual “The Great SDGs Challenge” coursework.

The report which is titled “Analysis of China Based Impact Startups in SDG 3 and SDG 13” is the final output from the Responsibility and Ethics module of the C.A.R.E.  (Culture, Art, Responsibility and Ethics) class taken online on December 18th, 2022, lasting exactly 8.5 hours.

This 3rd iteration of The Great SDGs Challenge was completed in partnership with China Alliance of Social Value Investment (CASVI), the first licensed international NPO specializing in building the ecosystem of sustainable development finance in China.

Students were tasked to work with Eight (8) Finalists from the SDGs Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camp 2022 (SEA) Final Pitch Presentation organized by CASVI on October 20th, 2022 in Shenzhen, and conduct Due Diligence/Competitive Analysis, Live Interview(s) on day of the class and prepare the final Blue Paper report for publishing.

“The exceptional Blue Paper being published today is a culmination of work done, not only by our 2022-2023 EMF cohort of talented Year one students, but everything is based on the exceptional work that CASVI has done by selecting some of the best example of social enterprises in China,” said Allan Chou, Global Advisor to The Great SDGs Challenge, “It’s gratifying to be able to see that great impact startups in China can now be known in a comprehensive way by anyone who’s interested around the world.”

The Great SDGs Challenge III caps off a whole year of activities focused on Climate Action (SDG 13) at FISF:

•   January 15th -18th (Q1 2022) - The International Collidoscope of Challenge (ICC) by the EMF program on "Global Warming Mitigation and Adaptation Challenge” (Online).

•   April 16th (Q2 2022) - The Global Impact in Finance Summit (GIFS), organized by the first cohort of the FMBA FT+ program with the main theme of “Carbon Neutrality” (Online).

•   August 6th -7th (Q3 2022) - The Fintech Camp organized by the Global Bachelor of Finance (GBF) program focused on “The Megacities Climate Action Challenge” (Offline).

•   December 18th (Q4 2022) - The Great SDGs Challenge - “Analysis of China Based Impact Startups in SDG 3 and SDG 13” by EMF C.A.R.E. (Online).

“By publishing this important Blue Paper, we have deployed Climate Action focused learning initiatives every quarter of 2022, and it demonstrates our commitment to ensure that all of our students are part of the global community of Change Makers with real-world deliverables,” explained Dr. Charles Chang, Deputy Dean of Academics at FISF, “we want to thank all the faculty, industry experts and mentors for being part of this incredible journey in 2022.”

And, from all of us at C.A.R.E. EMF we wish you and yours a very happy and healthy 2023!

You can view the “Analysis of China Based Impact Startups in SDG 3 and SDG 13” report by clicking on the link below.

Comments From Judges

David Chu

“We’re fortunate to be able to come together today to think earnestly about how we address the challenges of climate change, health & wellbeing for our planet and our fellow human beings.

Whether that is in our personal lives or our professional growth, it may seem we may not be able to solve the host of issues that we see before us. However today we see there are true innovators driving breakthrough solutions across critical needs like water, food availability, health and the environment.

I encourage everyone, to find a piece however large or small that speaks to you, continue pushing and forming a strong point of view on how you drive and enable sustainability; take the leap to move beyond a feeling of wishing the world to a better place, and embrace taking action.

That is something that we are very encouraged to see most especially in this next generation of leaders here today, who are going to shape and influence not only the business world, but also define our legacy to those who come after us.”

David Chu

Delivery Lead for the Digital Acceleration Team

at Bosch Global Emerging Markets

Dr. Shuang Liu

“It’s very impressive how much students have learned about all those projects and startups in  such a short amount of time. You addressed all my questions very well, and it shows how much efforts you put into this project. And it's very clear from all the presentation summaries that we understand  we could help address the challenges we face as human being through technology, through new services, through new business models. It is more important than ever for us to keep it in mind that we will find solutions altogether for the environmental and social challenges.”

Dr. Shuang Liu

External Ventures Project Manager

NOVA by Saint-Gobai

Comments From Students

Student from 2022R

“SDGs challenge is a meaningful event to get us explore more about social responsibility. To me the most impressive part is the face-to-face interview with CEO of the startup. I get first-hand insight into the business environment, the product’s social value, and kinds of entrepreneurship. After the challenge, I am also inspired to think about other ways that may benefit environmental protection or human well-being improvement.”

Student from 2023E

“SDGs includes many important part of our life. The SDGs challenge is a good way for us to learn how these startups shoulder the social responsibility and implement to SGDs goals. Our group research on senior meal delivery company which is in the Goal3 Health and Wellness. Although it is a great challenge for us to learn about the startup in such short time, the close contact with the startup client and detailed study of the startup let us fully understand the SDG Goals and deal with the challenge during the events. it’s a meaningful and challenging event for us.”

Student from 2023E

“The Great SDGs Challenge provides a good opportunity for us to focus on sustainable development issues. Through the due diligence of our target company and live interview with the COO, we provided overall recommendations for the company to better serve the society. During the challenge, I had a deeper understanding of our social responsibility, which I will keep in mind and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the future.”

Student from 2023E

“The Great SDGs Challenge is a very interesting and meaningful event for us students who has not stepped into real-life scenarios yet. This event provided us with opportunities that allowed us to conduct due diligence on the real companies, and interview the founders for their insights in sustainable development. Our startup case is a chemical manufacturing company which has a leading position in new material industry. As it is a high-barrier industry for me to understand, this program gave me the chance to know the exact market structure and growth driver, as well as what the pain points are for these startup founders. Moreover, I have also got inspirations about how the whole market-based ecosystem works and been strongly convinced that as long as we work together, the world can be a better place for all human beings!”

Many thanks to all the mentors for your guidance, and inspiring professional knowledge and suggestions. Special thanks to Feishu Platform and the team for providing technical support throughout the event.

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