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FISF Leads Shanghai Berlin Business Students Dialogue

Release time:2022-09-05    

This year’s dialogue continues to focus on the future of finance and sustainability related to cooperation in Fintech between Shanghai and Berlin, with the session slated for Tuesday, September 13th via an online offline hybrid format.

This will be the 25th iteration of the AsiaBerlin Summit, one of the most important International events that bridges Germany’s Capital City with Megacities like Shanghai here in Asia, specifically focused on promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.

AsiaBerlin Summit is an annual event where policymakers, startups, and investors meet to discuss the newest tech trends and cross-border collaboration between Asia and Berlin, powered by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

“We are extremely happy to have students from the EMF program to join us on an continuing basis at the AsiaBerlin Summit to help define important issues of the future related to Financial Technology and Global Sustainability, especially this year as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of one of the most important Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation gatherings on the planet,” explained Allan Chou, ABS Honorary Ambassador and Global Advisor to the EMF C.A.R.E.  (Culture, Art, Responsibility and Ethics) Program.

This year’s AsiaBerlin Summit will heavily promote the deployment of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, with an in-depth focus on the key themes of the 5Ps championed - People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships, which the dialogue covers completely.

We hope that all FISF students will register for this year’s Shanghai Berlin Business Students Dialogue and be a part of the solution and help to alleviate all the pressing issues faced by our endangered planet.

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