<xym class="wkyauqq"></xym><sczv class="qrtioc"></sczv><ypwhl class="acevhb"></ypwhl><oxpb class="tdygyz"></oxpb><anme class="yuyvtm"></anme>

Class Profile
  • 4years

    Average Work Experience

  • 37%


  • 15%

    Overseas Student

  • 28

    Average Age

  • 22%

    postgraduate  or above

Academic Background

Industry Background

Student Ambassador

The FMBA FT+ Student Ambassadors are current students of the program. They are all elites in their respective fields, with different professional backgrounds and development trajectories. They are committed to conveying the ideals of the program and building FISF into a world-class business school.
Our Student Ambassadors are happy to share their study experiences and thoughts at FISF and help potential applicants get to know all aspects of the FMBA FT+ program. Feel free to book an appointment with one of the Student Ambassadors.

Dickson LOIndustry: Finance (Banking)

Job description: Account Manager

Bachelor: Financial Engineering

E-mail: 23210660149@m.fudan.edu.cn

Lilac CHENIndustry: Financial Services

Job description: Senior Associate

Bachelor: Accounting

E-mail: 23210660096@m.fudan.edu.cn

Nicholas JOHNSTONEIndustry: Engineering

Job description: Project Manager

Bachelor: Mechanical Engineering

E-mail: 23210660161@m.fudan.edu.cn

Yvette HUANGIndustry: Finance

Job description: Project Manager (Investment Banking)

Bachelor: International Politics

E-mail: 23210660103@m.fudan.edu.cn

Yiran WANGIndustry: Healthcare/Biotech

Job description: Business Development

Bachelor: Pharmacology



Amber WANGIndustry: Education

Job description: Counselor

Bachelor: Computer Science



Krystal WANGIndustry: Financial Services

Job description: Consultant

Bachelor: Translation

E-mail: 24210660123@m.fudan.edu.cn


Ezra ShenIndustry: Solar

Job description:Vice General Manager

Bachelor:Business Economics



Cyrus LuoIndustry: Consulting

Job description: Consultant

Bachelor: Business Analyst

E-mail: luojy24@m.fudan.edu.cn


Student Life
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